Powered by the Social Sensemaker

What is the Social Sensemaker?

The distributed web relies on distributed social intelligence for discovery, engagement, recommendations.

The Social Sensemaker mediates between different groups' articulation of member behavior, credibility, and style.

The Social Sensemaker aims to add context to personal data, countering the automatically generated, generically-cultivated data of today's web with human-verification that one context is relevant for another.

It enables actions in one community find validation and resonance in countless other groups, reducing the costs of entering and exiting groups and connecting your past actions to your present credibility.

This increases individuals' capacity to move about the distributed web and enables cross-network cooperation through groups negotiation of meaning (rather than through the sheer coincidence of using the same corporate platform or tech stack).

How does it work?

Think of the Social Sensemaker as a 'Cultural Computer' held by each person in a Neighbourhood. It enables:

  1. Easy articulation of culture: Communities can create their own systems for meaning-making at the group level, to guide their interactions. The tools you use don't make assumptions about your culture (unlike the current social web).

  2. Cross-membrane coherence: Well-defined 'Social Data Types' make it possible to make sense of data shared across contexts

  3. Efficient, contextual computations: Computation on social data occurs locally and propagates through any given neighbourhood. Using Holochain's native validation rules, neighbourhoods are perfectly suited to drive computation efficiency within distributed environments.

Architecture: The Cultural Computer

Last updated