Roadmap 2023
This is a full description of items in our roadmap for 2023. See our site homepage for a shorter, snappier version.
Epic: Toolkit 0.0.1
An early version of our toolkit to scaffold your neighbourhood, demonstrating how to set up distributed, online communities with social intelligence features.
Toolkit 0.0.1: Sensemaker_lite
Implementation of a Holochain app that enables groups to add extra metadata on any entry from any other hApp DNA, store, and process that metadata into useful insights via community-defined processes.
Toolkit 0.0.1: NH Launcher - 'We' Fork
A forked version of the 'We' hApp, serving as an entry point where applets are initially selected for use within a neighbourhood.
Toolkit 0.0.1: Open standards for NH-compatible applets
Documentation of standards enabling hApps to handle the social data ontology of the sensemaker-lite, plus an applet scaffolding tool.
These standards reflect different degrees of NH compatibility of hApps:
Low - Not dependent on the SenseMaker; all hApps can be loaded into the NH Launcher interface, scanned for ResourceTypes which are then imported. From here, Dimensions, Methods, and CulturalContexts can be created by hand to enable additional sensemaking capacities (e.g. adding ratings).
Medium - hApps customized and prepared for NH integration; Once such an applet is selected into a neighbourhood, it comes pre-packed with ResourceTypes, Dimensions, Methods and CulturalContexts, and the hApp UI allows assessments using the Sensemaker and will have custom UI elements displaying data from the Sensemaker.
High - Everything above, plus the capacity to adapt the hApp UI automatically upon changing Dimensions, Methods and Cultural Contexts. This enables fine-tuned control over how that neighbourhood wants to operate*
Toolkit 0.0.1: Sample Applets
Demonstration of, and support for, applets using our template config files.
Toolkit 0.0.1: Community Activation Wizard
The Community Activation Wizard places cultural choices (e.g. resources, dimensions, and methods), into a configuration file that is used to compile into a neighbourhood. Community activators arrange the flow of resources, contexts, agents, modes of sense-making, and scoring computations.
Toolkit 0.0.1: Sensemaker Dashboard
Stakeholders of any given neighbourhood must be able to fully engage in their social contexts. For example, they may adjust and respond to data sharing requests from other neighbourhoods or alter how they compute scores. They may also browse and add additional hApp modules via early marketplace functionality.
Epic: Ecosystem Development
Participatory events supporting the growth of the Neighbourhoods ecosystem.
Applet Fest
Series of online and in-person events demonstrating the NH framework and offering open standards, resulting in additional development of 'critical applet suite' for intial marketplace deployment.
Cultural Hackathon
Local events with community groups looking to use Neighbourhoods to develop specific cultural styles in their remote coordination.
Epic: Sensemaker 0.0.2 computational complexity and digital identity
Buildout of the Sensemaker, including digital identity and agent-related features.
Integration of hardcoded computations (Sensemaker 0.0.2)
Additional capabilities built in to the Sensemaker, enabling more complex social intelligence:
Count number of assessments
Sum values of all assesments
Ratio (count / sum)
Mean value
Median value
String literal that has the most occurances
Use only one dimension as input, and provide a seperation computation for result validation (i.e. minimum number of assessments)
Agent roles and capabilities (Sensemaker 0.0.2)
Intermediary, key forwarding steps enabling basic use of roles and capabilities prior to the planned integration of Holochain's 'Deepkey' system for digital identity.
Integration of Deepkey, profiles, and personas
Intra- and cross-neighbourhood use agent assessments and reputation via leaderboards, badges, and 'social CVs'
Epic: Neighbourhoods' Bazaar
Prototyping and early releases of the Neighbourhoods bazaar, which connects applet developers and communities.
Bazaar assumptions and actor behavior modeling
Specification and modelling of in-bazaar accounting, solicitation and use of external investment, elements of community/dev relationships, etc.
Neighbourhoods' Neighbourhood for community activators with bazaar features
Bazaar prototype that rates, assesses, and tracks usage of applets and integrates native accounting features.
*Not included in Toolkit 0.0.1
ARCHIVE: Roadmap 2022
This table depicts our 2022 Roadmap. The visible and technical aspects of the project roll out concurrently, with the first items in the table released earliest.
Reputation Language
NHT Community Offering
Rep_lang Playground
Meme Share Prototype (MVP 1.0)
hApp module <> Rep_interchange plug-in architecture Rep data type converter (bridging 1.0)
Open standards for NH-compatible modules
Reputation Portability (in MVP 2.0)
Reputation Wallet & Profile
Community Activator Bootstrapping Wizard
Testing Transaction Settling in $NHT
NH Governance Dashboard
Hackathons for Reputation Design
NHT Community Offering
Our Community Offering of $NHT ran from mid-November to mid-December 2021. During this time we doubled our target! Read more about the Offering here.
Meme Share Prototype (MVP 1.0)
“MVP” demonstration of reputation dynamism and its effects. This module stores images as Holochain entries, associating them with reputation types (e.g. likes, claps), applying scoring computations, and swapping between choices of scoring computation to apply.
Open standards for NH-compatible modules
Documentation of standards for hApp modules that handle reputation data compatible with rep_lang and the reputation interchange.
Reputation Wallet & Profile
Members of neighbourhoods have an accessible means of visualizing reputation for the purpose of sharing it beyond its context of origin.
Community Activator Bootstrapping Wizard
Neighourhoods bootstrapping wizard from which available modules, reputation data types, and entry rules are indexed and selected. Browsing and selecting modules within this wizard are core functions of the NH low code marketplace.
NH Governance Dashboard
Stakeholders of any given neighbourhood must be able to modify their social space. For example, they may adjust and respond to reputation data sharing requests from other neighbourhoods or alter how they compute reputation scores. They may also browse and add additional hApp modules via early marketplace functionality.
Hackathon for Reputation Design
Hackathons will be supported by the team, creating opportunities for early adopters to add designs that reflect their needs to the emerging set of reputation data types created internally.
Reputation Language
is an interpreter for a lambda calculus-based, simply typed language. Written in Rust, it was developed in-house, to be used on reputation data. rep_lang
is the computational fabric of the Reputation Interchange that’s unique to Neighbourhoods.
Rep_lang Playground
rep_lang playground is a testing ground for rep_lang
. It creates functions for, and computations on, reputation data as Holochain entries to utilize Holochain’s native validation rules.
Technically, it exposes rep_lang to the network, allowing computations which could occur only "inside rep_lang
" to be “paused” and sent "outside rep_lang
" (from the POV if a single interpreter) into the network, then brought back "inside rep_lang.
hApp module <> Rep_interchange plug-in architecture
hApp modules must be able to plug into the rep_interchange so that reputation data can be sent from hApps and converted to data the rep_lang
and interchange can compute from, and pulled from the interchange and converted into data that hApps can use (e.g. to sort a feed).
Rep data type conversion (bridging 1.0)
Conversion between an interchange instance and a hApp which is able to interface with the interchange. Such hApps have their own Holochain Entry types which may be convertible into/out-of rep_lang
data types
Reputation Portability (in MVP 2.0)
Passage of rep data between two interchange instances, both in cases when the same rep data type is shared across interchange instances and when different data types are shared, requiring conversion (e.g. likes into claps and vice versa).
Testing Transaction Settling in $NHT
We will test accounting for a set of composable hApp modules, with transactions settled in $NHT.
Last updated
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