Memetic bridges to other neighbourhoods
Neighbourhoods may also place "memetic bridges" in this registry - these are computers trusted by the neighbourhood to provide scores to outside parties (thereby representing the NH).
Outside parties may use this info to request verification of existing score data or to request new cultural computations (deeper insight) about the neighbourhood.
Porting Context into a new neighbourhood
When Memetic Bridges are members of adjacent neighbourhoods, they can validate that agents joining a network space are supplying honest social data from the remote network. A condition for entry into a neighbourhood may include providing social data proving good standing elsewhere and validation by enough Memetic Bridges.
Through memetic bridges, agents can carry their prior, relevant contexts into a new Neighbourhood. Events in one Neighbourhood can ripple, contextually, across membranes. By porting context-bound personal data, prospective NH members don't start at square one; their activity in other groups can be easily understood and verified.
Bridge-to-Bridge Requests for Validation
When Memetic Bridges have no visibility into the neighbourhoods that a joining agent has participated in, they can validate the provided data by requesting scores from the Memetic Bridges of those neighbourhoods. More Memetic Bridges in the foreign neighbourhood leads to greater trust in the results.
Since full attribution is preserved, any duplicated requests for Rep Scores get merged together automatically, lowering computational overhead.